Terror Nuclear

Terror Nuclear: Nuclear Attack on the Brazilian Thrash Metal Scene

Terror Nuclear, a Brazilian thrash metal band, emerged from the city of São Paulo in the late 1980s. Their music, a potent blend of aggression, speed, and technical proficiency, quickly caught the attention of metalheads across the country and beyond. With their iconic song "Ataque Nuclear," Terror Nuclear became synonymous with the thrash metal subgenre in Brazil.

Challenges and Controversies:

Terror Nuclear's journey was not without its trials and tribulations. As a band from a country not known for its thriving metal scene, they faced significant challenges in gaining recognition and establishing themselves. However, their unwavering commitment to their music and their relentless live performances gradually won over fans and earned them a dedicated following.

Additionally, the band's controversial lyrics, often addressing political and social issues, stirred up controversy and attracted both criticism and praise. Their outspoken views on topics such as nuclear power and government corruption resonated with many listeners, but also ruffled some feathers.


Terror Nuclear released a string of acclaimed albums throughout their career, each showcasing their aggressive and technical style:

* 1992: "Ataque Nuclear"
* 1995: "Holocausto Nuclear"
* 1998: "Guerra Total"
* 2001: "Fúria Nuclear"
* 2004: "Restos Mortais"
* 2010: "Ressurreição"


Over the years, Terror Nuclear has undergone some lineup changes, but the core members have remained constant:

* André "Bomb" Matos: Vocals
* José "Zé" Argento: Guitar
* Paulo "Paulão" Pontes: Bass
* Gerson "Mac" Silva: Drums


Terror Nuclear played a pivotal role in the development of the Brazilian thrash metal scene. Their music, with its ferocious energy and socially conscious lyrics, continues to inspire and influence bands and fans alike. Their iconic song "Ataque Nuclear" remains an anthem for the genre, and their legacy as one of the pioneers of Brazilian metal is firmly cemented.